We build precise strategies for our clients’ unique assets (expertise, capital, brand, capacity). We assess systems-level challenges and target the gaps and opportunities where the unique resources of any Family Office, Foundation or Fund can be most catalytic in driving climate and environmental value. We distill complex science and strategy into clear, digestible and compelling narratives, pitch decks, and articles to drive interest, investment and outcomes.
We are experts in building effective and efficient pathways to drive effective, ethical new technologies into applied outcomes - navigating socio-political complexities to enable near-term and nature-positive impact. We design demonstration-scale projects which provide trusted proof points for policy change, community understanding and investment over time - for innovative technologies from synthetic biology and CRISPR to biodiversity MRV tools like bioacoustics and satellites, to carbon removal technologies - with a particular expertise in nature based climate solutions.
With backgrounds in both State and Federal government, we are sophisticated and effective advocates for our clients' policy objectives - we know the policy and the policy makers. Our networks span global, federal and state policy makers, regulators, and agency leads. We understand the current landscape of incentives, restrictions, objectives and priorities – and we know what is coming down the pipeline and how it may shape markets.
We understand biodiversity standards, the pathways to convergence on protocols and the tools to monitor, measure and verify those protocols. We know the technology providers, the tool-builders, and the financial institutions driving the change at scale. We have our finger on the pulse of the ups and downs and vulnerabilities of carbon markets. We use these insights to inform and guide strategy for our clients across all areas of practice.
Moving solutions from idea to impact requires in-depth engagement of the ‘right’ stakeholders at the ‘right’ times. We know how to listen, to interview, to withhold judgment but remain incisive and progress oriented. Our specialities include aggregating and leading working groups, stakeholder interviews and insight distillation, facilitation of technical and rapid prototyping workshops, and management of complex and divergent stakeholders toward convergence and collective action. We have a particular expertise working with community stakeholders in rural regions and across tribal and public lands.
With first-hand experience as an Appropriator in the Senate and the House, our Appropriations Practice Lead has an insider’s understanding of the annual Federal Budget process and demonstrated success leveraging that process to realize financial wins for our clients. Our strong relationships and deep subject matter expertise enable us to deliver tangible results, even in the most uncertain political environments.
Our close and long-standing ties to Members of Congress and senior staff in Leadership and on key Committees in the House and Senate and across the Executive Branch underlie and enable everything we deliver for Galvanize clients. Our bipartisan, bicameral approach leverages shared interests wherever possible to bring stakeholders together in support of creative solutions to emergent challenges. We have the network and knowledge to shape and define the policies that will guide critical outcomes.
While the Appropriations process can drive immediate funding gains, identifying opportunities to shape a more favorable policy environment is sometimes necessary to protect or advance long-term business growth. We have deep experience drafting legislation across diverse Executive Branch jurisdictions and demonstrated success navigating Committee and Floor procedure to see changes that matter enacted into Law.
Navigating Executive Branch bureaucracies to advance programmatic or policy objectives without expert guidance can be a frustrating and futile exercise. With decades of experience in Executive Branch program oversight and influence, our team understands how to access existing resources and leverage programs of record to advance our clients' objectives. We specialize in facilitating productive engagements with the Departments of State and Defense, NOAA, and USAID, both via DC headquarters, as well as key missions and commands around the globe.
The work of influencing policy and programs extends well beyond the halls of Congress. We collaborate closely with client Business Development, Communications and Leadership teams to develop sophisticated engagement strategies that target “stakeholders” broadly defined to raise clients’ profile, advance business objectives and provide insurance against unforeseen obstacles. We have deep experience organizing and executing DC "fly-ins" as well as field hearings to connect clients directly with policy makers and influencers, amplify advocacy objectives through earned media opportunities and solidify support the way only in-person connections can do.
Whether working with a Fortune 10 company, a non-profit institution or a ten woman tech start up, we know our clients wear too many hats to execute their government relations programs alone. We specialize in bringing strategic plans to life, owning the details of everything from drafting white papers and scheduling meetings to representing our clients at national and international convenings. We work hand-in-glove with our clients to ensure that every step we take reflects your values and priorities while relieving your teams of additional work.
We take a systems-level approach to identifying & mitigating supply chain risk and developing & implementing novel commercial strategies that transform commodity markets from drivers of environmental and social degradation to drivers of regeneration.
From ending the era of catastrophic wildfire to scaling next generation aquaculture, we help build the businesses and markets to address today's most daunting global environmental challenges and take advantage of emerging opportunities to drive resilience.
Embracing cutting edge approaches from biotechnology to blended finance, we work with family offices and institutional funders to build, pilot and scale risk-tolerant strategies that secure catalytic wins for people and nature.